
Jann Billeter - Hockey oder Hickory?

Jann Billeter - Hockey oder Hickory?

Seit seiner frühen Jugendzeit ist Eishockey seine Leidenschaft. Weshalb aber Golf und insbesondere sein Hickory Golf Schläger eine besondere Rolle in seiner Freizeit spielt, erzählt mir der TV Host Moderator & Kommentator bei MySports Jann Billeter in meiner neusten „Status: Bündner!“ Doku.

Ladina Bordoli - reimagined!

Ladina Bordoli - reimagined!

The internationally renowned author Ladina Bordoli ("The Mandelli Saga") from Prättigau in Switzerland asked me for a new photo shoot. The pictures will mainly be used for her new website. However, one of the pictures will also be used in the new trilogy Ladina is currently writing. The first book of the trilogy will be published at the end of 2023. Ladina didn't want to tell me more about the content of the trilogy yet - but it will be exciting!
