
The Crop Master - a tribute to the Fujifilm GFX50R

The Crop Master - a tribute to the Fujifilm GFX50R

As announced in the last blog entry I have ordered the GFX100S, which will hopefully be delivered at the beginning of March. I've been working with the GFX50R for over two years - now the GFX50R has found a new happy owner. Time for a tribute to the medium format Crop Master.

All In - Fujifilm GFX100S

All In - Fujifilm GFX100S

When Fujifilm presented the brand new Fujifilm GFX100S medium format camera at the online press conference on 27 January 2021, it was clear to me that I would be following an all-in strategy with Fujifilm Medium Format in the future.

The revelation - Fujinon GF110mm f/2.0

The revelation - Fujinon GF110mm f/2.0

Fujifilm has revolutionised the medium format. There is no other brand that offers a similar range at the price level of a high-end full-frame camera. While Hasselblad, Phase One and Leica still offer medium format cameras at astronomical prices, Fujifilm recognized the signs of the times - medium format suitable for the masses - attractive in terms of quality and price.
